River 瑩瑩 Dandelion
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My Offerings: Shamanic Healing Sessions

As a certified Reiki teacher (used instead of “Reiki master”), MedicineWay (shamanic healing) apprentice, embodied coach, and herbalist, I offer sessions that promote greater alignment in who you are, how you see yourself, and who you want to be in the world.

What is shamanic healing?

Shamanic healing work utilizes ancient tools and practices that are connected to nature, the earth, and the four elements. This work often taps into the "unseen" realms: that which is spiritual, energetic, ancestral, in order to bring greater clarity, insight, and support to your life now in all ways.

Why book a shamanic healing session?

— Shamanic healing work goes deep. If you have spent a lot of time talking about or analyzing a past situation, e.g. through talk therapy and journaling, and feel ready to take a major step to energetically cleanse and clear, shamanic work may be what you are looking for.

— You may find that a shamanic healing session is able to get to the root of, and clear, a situation, that would have otherwise taken much longer when solely analyzed through mental processes.  


I also offer FREE 15-minute consultations to learn more about your and how my services can support you.


Shamanic Healing Sessions


Cut Those Chords!— Cord Cutting Session

Cord cutting session to end energetic ties that no longer serve you. These cords could be connected to relationships to friends, family members, ex-lovers, workplaces, or other situations. Arrive ready to release.

This session is for you if:

— you feel weighed down by situations of the past, whether with specific people, workplaces, or outdated thought patterns and behaviors.

— you are looking for energetic and spiritual support to release the weight of a past relationship or situation to begin anew. 

— you've done work to heal wounds from a past relationship, and are ready to let it go on a deep energetic level.

Take Back My Energy!— Energy Reclamation Session

Return energy back to people, situations, and experiences that have had major energetic weight or impact on you. Together, we utilize the power of thunder and lightning to release stagnant energy and call your energy back to you.

This session is for you if:

— you are starting a new phase or chapter in your life that feels scary in its newness and are looking for grounding to move with more certainty.

— you are looking to clear self-sabotaging tendencies that no longer serve you.

— you are tired of feeling beholden to a stagnant, draining, relationship, friendship, workplace, etc. and are ready to claim your energy back to move forward.


Reveal My Flames— Fire Reading

Looking for greater overall clarity in your life? Feeling stuck? Not sure how to move forward? Receive a fire reading to reveal greater information about your mind, body, spiritual health to aid you in your journey forward.

This session is for you if:

— you are at a crossroads in your life and are looking for mental, physical, spiritual insights to move your path forward.

— you are looking to deepen your spirituality and connect more with the guides present in your life.

— you are seeking clarity about a particular situation, relationship to move forward, or are overall looking for guidance for next steps in your life.

Cleanse My Spirit— Energy Clearing Session

Clear stagnant energy in your body using an ancient tried and true practice with the egg. Receive a reading to provide greater clarity and insight into your path ahead.

This session is for you if:

you recently completed a major release, life transition, obstacle, transformation, &/or Saturn return, and are looking to clear stagnant energy in your energetic body.

— you are looking for greater clarity and insights on how to move forward with specific goals, intentions, dreams in your life.

 you have been feeling weighed down and seek lightness and an energetic release.


Soul Retrieval— Drum Journey

You will be guided on a journey in the spiritual realm using the drum. In this realm, you will connect with an ancestor or guide to help retrieve a part of you lost from a past hurt, wound, or trauma. Note: We do not have to discuss in depth the specific trauma in order to hold healing space.

This session is for you if:

you are seeking to reclaim a part of yourself lost to a specific situation, person, relationship, place

— you are looking to connect more deeply with the spiritual realm to receive answers about a part of you, or part of your personality that has felt missing

— you are ready to reunite with a missing part of yourself to claim and bless the future  

Come with a question and leave with new insights and messages from your guides.




I also offer FREE 15-minute consultations to learn more about your and how my services can support you.

After submitting it, I will be in contact with you directly within 7 business days.



My session with River felt like a pocket of time dedicated purely to breath. It was an opportunity to slow down and connect with the spiritual while being guided by River’s deep sensitivity, presence, and practice. I felt a little intimated before stepping into the session, but those feelings quickly fell away as he created a space that was friendly, warm, and intentional. I left the healing session feeling at once light and grounded, with spiritual guideposts and symbols that I still think about today.
— Philipe AbiYouness, Writer & Teaching Artist
River has such a gentle perceptiveness that really encouraged me to lean into truth through our session. From when he sent me my prep information to when we wrapped up, my spirit felt deeply sheltered and honored in its needs. It can be so easy living in the world to be distracted and lose sight of the compass of our hearts, working with River restored my sight of myself and was so sharply clarifying. Furthermore, River’s channeling and transference of reiki energy feels distinctly linked to his work as a writer. It’s a poetic making of something saturated in the dynamism of his presence and dedicated assurance.
— rhizophora X., Writer & Translator


What should I expect from a shamanic healing session? This is new for me.

Every session of mine begins with a heart-to-heart talk, also known as a plática, where we discuss what is on your mind, heart, body, and spirit. What brings you here. From the insights and reflections shared during this time, I have a clearer idea of how to move forward in our energetic healing work together. I will then intuitively use specific healing tools and practices to support you in your healing work. Every session closes with a debrief and suggestions for take-home medicine and continued work.

How do I know what type of session to choose?

The types of sessions I offer, as well as their descriptions, are listed above. You can read the descriptions and choose which resonates with you, or which you feel included towards. If you feel unsure, you can book at free 15-minute consultation using the contact form with me to meet, talk more, and see which one is the best fit for you.

Are these in-person or virtual?

Only Reiki sessions are offered virtually. Shamanic healing sessions must take place in person because of the specific tools used for the healing work. We will meet in a studio space in the city to hold session.

What are your rates?

My session rates are $125/ hour for shamanic healing work. You can expect a session to take anywhere from 90 minutes to 2 hours depending on the work needed and requested. Please complete the form above to share with me what you are looking for and interested in receiving. I will email you back to let you know the estimated cost and duration.

What are your COVID-19 protocols for in-person sessions?

Clients are asked to take a rapid COVID-19 test within 48 hours of the session, and to email a photo of negative results to River within that time (at least 24 hours beforehand). River maintains strict COVID-19 protocols in his daily life and stays masked in most indoor spaces.

Should the client or practitioner feel any symptoms of COVID-19, such as sore throat, headache, or coughing within 48 hours of the session, you are advised to cancel, and can do so without incurring cancellation fees.

If you feel more comfortable keeping your mask on during in-person sessions, you are welcome to do so as well. The same applies for if you would rather River also wear a mask.

How should I best prepare for a session?

After you book, more detailed instructions will be sent on how to best prepare for a session. Generally, I recommend that you are in a quiet, comfortable space before, during, and after your session so that you can receive in optimal settings. It may be helpful to have a journal, pen, or paper near you, and also water to stay hydrated.

Will this heal me?

Healing is a process. It is also non-linear. The goal is not necessarily to be fully "healed" as that does not exist. My goal is for you to live a life feeling more choice, agency, and wholeness in who you are.